NURS 8250/NURS 8250N:Week 1: Theoretical Foundation for Research Essay Assignment Paper

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NURS 8250/NURS 8250N:Week 1: Theoretical Foundation for Research Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 8250/NURS 8250N: Advanced Theoretical and Scientific Perspectives in Nursing | Week 1

As a nurse and a scholar-practitioner, most likely your curiosity has been piqued while examining data, observing behaviors and interactions, or reviewing studies and cases in the literature. Perhaps you have speculated about how and why something occurs, anticipated what would happen under slightly different circumstances, or expressed the desire to create a better outcome.

Nurse scientists aim to describe, explain, predict, and control some aspect of nature or reality. They do this by constructing theory and engaging in research to contribute to a robust body of evidence that can positively impact nursing practice, education, leadership, policymaking, and much more.

This week, you examine the process of developing a theoretical foundation for research and consider the definitions and interrelationships of key terms that will be used in this course. In the Discussion, you assess an authentic health-related scenario and explain how you would begin to build a theoretical foundation for a program of research.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze similarities between concepts, conceptual relationships, frameworks, theories, and models
  • Analyze differences between concepts, conceptual relationships, frameworks, theories, and models
  • Evaluate frameworks and theories applied in research, practice, education, and leadership

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

  • Chapter 1, “Discovering the World of Nursing Research” (pp. 1–15)
  • Chapter 8, “Frameworks” (pp. 138-154)

This textbook was required for a previous course. Read Chapter 1, which defines nursing research and science. It also explains how research evidence should focus on description, explanation, prediction, and control to be useful for practice. Also read Chapter 7, which provides an overview of key terms, such as concepts, relational statements, frameworks, and theories.

McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

  • Chapter 1, “Philosophy, Science, and Nursing” (pp. 2–21)
  • Chapter 2, “Overview of Theory in Nursing” (pp. 23–46)
  • Chapter 3, “Concept Development: Clarifying Meaning of Terms” (pp. 49–70)
  • Chapter 4, “Theory Development: Structuring Conceptual Relationships in Nursing” (pp. 72–92)

This textbook was required for a previous course. These chapters present valuable information related to the theoretical underpinnings of research. As you read these chapters, think about the interrelationship of theory, research, and practice, and pay close attention to the definitions of theory, concepts, statements, assumptions, models, and other key terms used in this course.

Walker, L. O., & Avant, K. C. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  • Chapter 1, “Theory in Nursing: Past to Present” (pp. 3–39)
  • Chapter 2, “Using Knowledge Development and Theory to Inform Practice” (pp. 40–56)
  • Chapter 3, “Approaches to Theory Development Used in This Book” (pp. 57–72)

Richmond, T. S., & Aitken, L. M. (2011). A model to advance nursing science in trauma practice and injury outcomes research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(12), 2741–2753.


This article provides an example of various elements you will be focusing on in this course. As you read this article, identify the concepts, relationships between and among the concepts, assumptions, existing theoretical framework (referred to as model), graphic model, and implications for research and/or practice. Also, consider the implications for research and practice.

Document: Health-Related Scenarios (PDF)

This document provides three health-related scenarios that you will use in this week’s Discussion. Read each scenario and select one that resonates with your professional interests.

Document: Theoretical Foundation for Research Overview (PDF)

This document provides an overview of the course structure, including elements of a theoretical foundation of research. It also presents strategies for developing a theoretical foundation.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014f). Theoretical foundation for research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length for this media piece is 12 minutes.

In this week’s media program, Dr. Donna Hathaway explains the process of constructing theory and developing a theoretical foundation of research. She draws attention to the ambiguity of terms used in theory construction and research.

Optional Resources

Jones, T. L. (2010). A holistic framework for nursing time: Implications for theory, practice, and research. Nursing Forum, 45(3), 185–196.

This article provides an example of various elements you will be focusing on in this course. The author examines Fawcett’s metaparadigm of nursing in her concept analysis and presents a framework and model, identifying antecedents, attributes/properties, and consequences. She discusses implications for theory, research, and practice.

McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Various chapters in this text present information related to concepts, frameworks, theories, and models. You may find it helpful to peruse the textbook as you prepare for this week’s Discussion.

Kiat, T. K. (2011). The state of nursing science. Singapore Nursing Journal, 38(4), 32–35.

This article examines the value of nursing science and addresses the development and application of knowledge.

In this week’s media program, Dr. Hathaway shares her experiences identifying a phenomenon of interest and creating a program of research to investigate the phenomenon. She explains that you can think of a theoretical foundation as the rationale for viewing the phenomenon in a specific manner during research. Dr. Hathaway also explains that theory- and research-related terminology is often ambiguous, which can create confusion.

In this Discussion, you analyze a health-related scenario and explain how you would begin to develop a theoretical foundation for research. You also describe what you would convey about the phenomenon to colleagues in your role as a researcher, practitioner, educator, or leader.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources, including the “Theoretical Foundation for Research Overview” document, and think about the elements of a theoretical foundation. Examine the definitions and uses of concept, conceptual relationship, framework, theory, and graphic model, as well as other related terms.
  • Review the “Health-Related Scenarios” document presented in the Learning Resources, and select one on which to focus for this discussion. Also, select one of the following roles for this discussion: researcher, practitioner, educator, or leader.
  • Think about your selected scenario from the perspective of the role you have chosen. What would you identify as your phenomenon of interest based on the scenario?
  • Search the research/theory-based literature to see what has been written that may apply to the phenomenon of interest. Identify at least three current, relevant resources from nursing or other disciplines. Examine how these resources define concepts, conceptual relationships, frameworks, theories, graphic models, and other related terms. What similarities and differences emerge as you read various sources? How does this information compare with your own understanding of these terms?
  • Based on your review of the Learning Resources and the literature, determine which concepts, conceptual relationships, frameworks/theories, and/or graphic models may be most relevant and beneficial for investigating the phenomenon of interest.
  • As a researcher, practitioner, educator, or leader, what would you share with colleagues about this phenomenon? Be prepared to describe two or more concepts, one or more conceptual relationships, and one or more frameworks or theories; if possible, also share a graphic model to accompany each framework/theory.

By Day 3

Post the scenario (#1, #2, or #3) and the role you have selected (practitioner, researcher, educator, or leader). State the phenomenon of interest you have identified. Then, explain how you would start to develop a theoretical foundation to investigate this phenomenon, describing which concepts, conceptual relationships, frameworks or theories, and graphic models related to the phenomenon you would share with colleagues. Ensure that you clearly define/differentiate each of these terms and provide evidence to support your theoretical foundation.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Pose questions to help clarify the perspective or deepen awareness related to the scenario.
  • Explain whether the terms concept, conceptual relationship, framework, theory, and/or graphic model are used appropriately in the post (i.e., have been sufficiently defined and differentiated). If not, offer insights to help your colleague improve his/her understanding.

In addition, you may respond in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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