NURS 8400/NURS 8400C:Week 6: Designing Effective Programs Essay Assignment Paper

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NURS 8400/NURS 8400C:Week 6: Designing Effective Programs Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 8400/NURS 8400A/NURS 8400F/NURS 8400M/NURS 8400S/NURS 8400W/NURS 8400C: Design and Evaluation of Programs and Projects | Week 6

Imagine a bright red seesaw in a neighborhood playground. You might notice the children seated on either end, gleefully playing in sync with one another. What you may not notice is the fulcrum that supports this delicate balance.

The design of effective programs comes together through a workable hypothesis: How will your intervention really address the problem and improve the situation for your target population? This hypothesis is the sometimes-invisible support that a program needs while the leaders and all other individuals involved find the right balance of elements to make the program successful.

When designing a program or intervention, you must keep the target population and their needs in mind. This week, you look at how to make decisions regarding which services to offer and how to create a “goodness of fit” between the program and resources within the environment in which it will occur. As an important consideration related to this, you consider strengths and barriers related to program implementation.

This week you complete and submit Assignment 2, in which you present various elements of your program.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze the strengths and barriers of implementing the program design within the chosen environment
  • Develop a program design appropriate for a problem and target population

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Hodges, B. C., & Videto, D. M. (2011). Assessment and planning in health programs (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 4, “Program Planning: The Big Picture”
  • Chapter 5, “Social Marketing, Program Planning, and Implementation”
  • Chapter 8, “Identifying Strategies and Activities”
  • Chapter 9, “Program Implementation”Chapter 4 outlines the program planning steps and emphasizes the importance of including your target population and additional stakeholders in the design process. Chapter 5 reemphasizes this focus on the target audience as the authors discuss the use of marketing principles in relation to program development and implementation. Chapter 8 discusses the importance of utilizing strategies that are aligned with the theoretical foundations of a program, and presents recommendations for developing suitable activities. In Chapter 9, the authors note that even implementation requires planning; they provide guidance for implementation planning and advise how this can also support evaluation.

Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Review Chapter 6, “Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy”
  • Chapter 8, “Designing Effective Programs”Review Chapter 6, which discusses the connection between the program hypothesis and service decisions. Chapter 8 addresses how to design elements of a program systematically in order to promote consistency and attend to the necessary details.

Breslau, E.S., Weiss, E.S., Williams, A., Burness, A., & Kapka, D. (2015). The implementation road: Engaging community partnerships in evidence-based cancer control interventions. Health Promotion Practice, 16(1), 40–54 doi: 10.1177/1524839914528705

Buck, H.G., Kolanowski, A., Fick, D., & Baronner, L (2016). Improving rural geriatric care through education: A scalable, collaborative project. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(7), 306-313 doi:10.3928/00220124-20160616-06

KIDASA Software. (n.d.). Gantt charts. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from


This site provides examples of different forms of Gantt charts.

Minb, A., Patel, S., Bruce-Barrett, C., O-Campo, P. (2015). Letting youths choose for themselves: Concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning. Family Community Health, 38(1), 33–43 doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000060

Soong, C.S., Wangm M.P., Mui, M., Viswanath, K., Lam, T.H., & Chan, S.SC. (2015). A “community fit” community-based participatory research program for family health, happiness, and harmony: Design and implementation. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(4), 1–10 doi:10.2196/resprot.4369

Witherspoon, B., Braunlin, K., & Kumar, A.B. (2016). A secure, social media-based “case of the month” module in a nuerocritical care unit (2016). American Journal of Critical Care, 25(4), 310–317 doi:

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Design and evaluation of programs and projects [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

  • “Designing Effective Programs” (featuring Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron, Dr. Debora Dole, and Dr. Rebecca Lee)You may view this course video by clicking the link or on the course DVD, which contains the same content. Once you’ve opened the link, click on the appropriate media piece.

    In this week’s videos, Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron, Dr. Debora Dole, and Dr. Rebecca Lee share experiences related to designing effective programs.

NURS 8400/NURS 8400C:Week 6: Designing Effective Programs Essay Assignment Paper


As you design your program, it is important to anticipate potential issues related to program implementation. Careful forethought can help you to minimize unnecessary stumbling blocks during implementation.

There are strengths and barriers associated with every program. What do you see as the key factors to be aware of for your program? Brainstorm key terms such as communitycultureenvironmentorganizationclientbias, and ethics. Give consideration to the factors you come up with (along with those in the Learning Resources) as you proceed with this Discussion.

To prepare:

  • Review the information presented in the Learning Resources. What are some of the factors (e.g., community, organization, environmental, ethical) that you consider strengths or facilitators for your program?
  • Which ones do you think may pose a challenge for your program?
  • How do these barriers need to be addressed in your program design? How might the strengths be leveraged to help overcome the barriers?

By Day 3

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

  • Analyze two or more community, client, organization, and/or environmental forces that may facilitate your program and two or more that may pose a challenge for your program.
  • Propose a strategy for addressing one of the barriers as a part of your program design.
  • Ask questions of your colleagues regarding how you might address the other challenge.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.


NURS 8400/NURS 8400C:Week 6: Designing Effective Programs Essay Assignment Paper

By Day 6

Respond to two of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective, using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
  • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of the comments made by your colleagues.

Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and any additional sources.


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