Reliability of Test Items Reliability of Test Items Essay Assignment Paper

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 Reliability of Test Items Reliability of Test Items Essay Assignment Paper

Choose at least two measures that you can use to improve the reliability of any test item.

  • What are the factors that you should keep in mind while formulating these measures?
  • Examine the parameters against which you should gauge the extent of improvement in the test item.

Weekly Notes

Reliability of Test Items

The reliability of a test is its ability to produce authentic results. Reliability is determined by the quality of measurement and represents the “consistency” of your results. Measures of reliability provide an indicator of how consistent a test is in assessing different groups of learners. Although some degree of variance is allowed, large variability of the test results can call into question a test’s reliability.

A reliable test is capable of measuring the same learning outcomes in different but equal populations. For example, a medical or surgical exam should be able to measure knowledge of medical or surgical skills in nursing students who have reached a given point in the curriculum.

Reliability is calculated using statistical analyses, such as the Kuder-Richardson formula, the alpha coefficient, and the reliability coefficient. Reliability is reported as a coefficient ranging from 0 to 1.

Several factors have the potential to impact the reliability coefficient in academic and clinical settings. They are:

  • Quality of test item
  • Level of difficulty of each item: This is the item’s p-value. If an item has a p value of less than 0.30, it is most likely too difficult for the group. Items that have a p value greater than 0.85 are most likely too easy. You should strive to achieve a p value within these parameters.
  • Homogeneity of the test items: This deals with how the test “looks;” every test item should have a similar appearance. For example, when you write multiple choice questions, the stems should all be approximately the same length, the answer should be approximately the same length and the distractors should be approximately the same length so they do not to offer clues to possible answers, and they should be listed vertically.
  • A point-biserial coefficient, computed for every multiplechoice item, is considered useful because it reflects how well an item is “discriminating.” A high point-biserial coefficient means that students selecting the correct response are students with higher total scores, and students selecting incorrect responses to an item are associated with lower total scores. Given this, the item can discriminate between low-performing students and high-performing students. This is a desirable characteristic of test questions. Very low or negative point-biserial coefficients can help identify items that are flawed (Measured Progress, 2013).
  • The index ranges between -1 and +1. It is better to have a score as close as possible to +1. When the score is in the positive range, it indicates that high scoring students correctly answered the question more often than low scoring students.
  • Similarly, scores closer to -1 mean the low scoring students answered the question correctly more often than members of the high scoring group.
  • A high discriminating item on an exam has a PBI above 0.40. If an item has a PBI of less than 0.15 the item should be revised. If an item has a PBI of less than 0.09 the item should be rejected. A mean PBI of 0.36 is a good to acceptable value and the question should either be retained or consider improving. (McDonald, 2014).
  • Homogeneity of the group being tested: When the majority of students choose the correct answers, it is difficult to differentiate between those who are at the high and low ends of achievement. If there is a small spread, you cannot compare individual items to the total test. This gives you a 0 reliability coefficient. However, because student nurses have to meet stringent nursing criteria, one normally sees a certain degree of homogeneity of the student population. Therefore, coefficients are generally closer to 0 than to 1 in nursing students.
  • Length of test (i.e. the greater the number of items on a test, the greater its reliability)
  • Number of students taking the test
  • Time allotted for assessment
  • Testing conditions

In nursing education, a variety of test items are used to assess the attainment of learning objectives. The structural differences of these test items sometimes make it difficult to assess their reliability.

Methods like the Kuder-Richardson, split-half, and alpha coefficient are used to measure the reliability of objective test items. Test re-test and Parallel Form tests for reliability are not conducive to the academic setting due to the time constraints of giving the same exam or parallel exam to the same students on the same nursing content.

Compared to objective testing, it is more difficult to assess the reliability of essay test items because the methods involved are time consuming. In this case, you can use an analytic rubric to determine whether the answer reflects what you are testing. You should look for key facts and information… in the answer and check them against the rubric. This will help you determine whether or not the answer contains the required information.

McDonald, ME. (2014). Guide to assessing learning outcomes (3rd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Measured ProgressTM. (2013). Discovering the point biserial.

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More on Reliability

Performance-based tests clearly outline the steps that learners are required to follow in order to excel in a particular skill or procedure. As long as they include the steps of the procedure or skill, the test is 100% reliable. In this case, the answer is “yes” or “no” in terms of reliability, and there is no need to formally test the reliability.

In portfolio evaluation, the artifacts used for testing reveal a nurse’s subjective experiences and growth, so those tests cannot be tested for reliability.

When it can be measured, the most frequently used methods for estimating the reliability of test items are the split-half and Kuder-Richardson method.

Questions Split-Half Method Kuder-Richardson Formula Alpha Coefficient
How is it used? This method compares one half of the test to another. This method compares each test item with another. This method calculates the average of all possible split half scores.
Used on which kind of test items? This method can be used to calculate the reliability of objective test items. This method is used on test items that have either correct or incorrect answers. These may include multiple choice items or true and false items. This method is used on test items that have more than one plausible answer.

The split-half method essentially divides a test into two equal components. Each half should be relatively comparable in terms of the level of difficulty or complexity and should encompass similar areas of inquiry. Next, the test is administered to a group of students. Each half is then scored and the scores are compared. If the learners’ scores on each half of the exam are similar, the test is deemed reliable. Using this method, you can test the reliability of a test without administering it twice on the same group of learners. However, the reliability measure obtained depends heavily on the way the test items are divided.

In the Kuder-Richardson method, the learners’ responses to each of the test items are taken into consideration. Then, the level of consistency in these responses is used to measure the reliability of the test. The Kuder-Richardson method, like the alpha coefficient, performs split-half testing on every possible combination of split halves. For a given test, you divide the test items into all possible combinations of halves, determine the split half coefficient of each combination, and then take the average of the coefficients to get the coefficient alpha.

Coefficient alpha is also known as Cronbach’s alpha—which is a statistic that is generally used as a measure of internal consistency or reliability. It estimates the internal consistency (homogeneity) of a measure which is composed of several subparts or items (such as a test).

Summary: A test’s reliability determines its reusability and its ability to obtain consistent responses from the learners. The reliability of a test is its ability to produce consistent and authentic results. Measures of reliability indicate the consistency of a test in assessing different groups of learners. The most frequently used methods of estimating the reliability of test items are the split-half and Kuder-Richardson method. The validity of a test ascertains whether the test measures what it intends to measure. A test can be reliable without being valid. Point Biserial Index is considered useful because it reflects how well an item is discriminating and given this, the item can discriminate between low-performing learners and high-performing learners. Test re-test and Parallel Form tests for reliability are not conducive to the academic setting due to the time constraints of giving the same exam or parallel exam to the same students on the same nursing content.




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