Religious Involvement and Adult Mortality in The US  Essay Assignment Paper

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Religious Involvement and Adult Mortality in The US  Essay Assignment Paper

For each forum, post a thread in response to the topic prompts provided. Your post should contain 400–500 words and adhere to AMA writing style guidelines.This word limit promotes writing that is thorough yet concise enough to permit your peers to read all the posts. If the Discussion Board Forum prompts you to answer a series of questions, make sure you address all of them thoroughly within the word limit. Do not restate the questions in your post; simply begin a new paragraph for each new thought. The goal is to have a seamless written argument closed by a brief conclusion tying together your individual responses. Use your best critical reasoning skills, employing the Universal Intellectual Standards as a guide, but not a strict outline. Refer to specific statements of the author(s) whenever appropriate but limit direct quotations to a maximum of 25 words for your entire post. Since this is a personal discussion, you may use first person; however, you should maintain professional decorum at all times.



After reading your classmates’ threads, post a reply to at least 2 classmates by clicking “Reply” within the thread to which you intend to respond. These replies are designed to stimulate thought-provoking discussion, building upon or expanding the knowledge presented. Your instructor is looking for substantive, reasoned comments, not mere agreement with the initial thread on which your reply is based. In your replies, state why you liked or disliked a comment, adding additional thoughts or ideas to your classmate’s, and/or providing alternative ideas or disagreeing thoughts. Your comments should be critical but kind, “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). Help one another with good communication skills, both by example and instruction. Substantiate your position by referencing pertinent statements from the resource under discussion, but avoid lengthy quotes from it. You may also reference other professional or peer-reviewed sources, though this is not a requirement. Each reply should contain 200–250 words and adhere to AMA writing style guidelines.





Read “Religious Involvement and Adult Mortality in the United States: Review and Perspective” by Hummer, et al., 2004. . Discuss the following points in your thread. Review the Discussion Board Instructions before posting your thread.

  • What do the authors’ say? Summarize the findings of this review article as they pertain to religious attendance and mortality.
  • What do you say? Describe the proximal and distal influences that might explain decreased mortality with increased religious activity?
  • What do you say? Do the findings hold equally true for public vs. private religious activity? Suggest reasons to explain why this may or may not be true.
  • What does God say? Offer biblical insight that may be applicable to the relationship between spirituality and health or longevity.




The largest and most consistent body of research has focused on public religious attendance, where a number of studies have found a relation between more frequent attendance and lower adult mortality.1 Taken together, the existing research indicates that religious involvement is related to U.S. adult mortality risks.1 The evidence is strongest for public religious attendance and across specific religious denominations.1 The evidence is weakest for private religious activity.1 The mechanisms by which religious involvement appear to influence mortality include aspects of social integration, social regulation and psychological resources.1

There may be several reasons why this mortality risk is decreased for people that attend church.1 A first concept to consider is social integration, which refers to the social ties and support that are garnered from involvement in a religious community.1 Individuals who are religiously involved have more friendship networks and are more socially integrated within their community compared with those who are less religiously involved.1  Religious involvement may help individuals to generate an overall more coherent world view and may ease the impact of stressful life events such as unemployment, illness and grief. 1 There was shown to be a difference in mortality risk among those that had private religious activity. I believe this is due to the lack of overall socialization among private religiosity versus a public religiosity.

Clearly, the question of selectivity, or confounding, is also of critical importance is best assessing whether the overall association between religious involvement and mortality is actually working through the above mechanisms or is simply spurious.1 The basic idea is that people who are more religiously involved may differ in key ways from others who are less involved, and such differences may be the real reasons behind an observed relation between religious involvement and mortality risks. 1

A recent Mayo Clinic health letter suggested that one of the best ways to improve our chances to live longer is to recognize the value of spirituality in our lives.2 Nurture your spirit no matter what you call your source of inspiration advised the Mayo Clinic health letter.2 Prayer can help us feel more connected with God, calmer, safer, and more grounded.2 This can be a buffer against stress.2 It also could bring benefits similar to the benefits of meditation, including lower blood pressure, increased immunity, and more.2 1 Timothy 4:7b, 8 reminds us, “Train yourself in godliness, for while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (NRSV).2



  1. Hummer R, et al. “Religious involvement and adult mortality in the United States: review and perspective.” Southern Medical Journal, Dec. 2004, p. 1223+. Academic OneFile, Accessed April 8, 2019.
  2. Albert B.Presbyterian Senior Living. The Link Between Spirituality and Longevity. 2015. Accessed April 8, 2019.






The authors from the article Religious involvement and adult mortality in the United States: review and perspective1 had this to say in their article. Recent studies indicate that counties with high concentrations of Mormons and evangelical Protestants tend to have lower suicide and/or cancer mortality rates, and those with Catholic concentrations also have lower suicide rates. In contrast, counties with concentrations of Jews, liberal Protestants, and nonreligious persons tend to have elevated suicide and cancer mortality rates, statistically controlling for numerous covariates.As they went further into their article they had shown that the more that people attended some kind of church there was a correlation to higher adult mortality. They had these findings where a number of studies have found a relation between more frequent attendance and lower adult mortality.1

Since I have been attending church more frequently I have heard more and more stories from people about how the power of praying has changed their life weather it was from fighting an addiction to drugs or a cure for cancer. In this other article titled: Religiosity/Spirituality and Mortality they found this in there findings. The analyses of different causes of death demonstrated that religiosity/spirituality was associated with reduced all-cause mortality (16% reduction in HR) and cardiovascular mortality (28% reduction in HR) in the healthy population studies.2

In the bible I came across a couple of verses that deal with faith and spirituality. This is what it says in the book of Hebrews 11:1-3 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.This one comes from the book of John 6:27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.4 In my opinion when people have something to believe in along with support from others it can really make a difference weather it be healing or just living a long life.  I do think that Praying and believing in something from a higher power like god can truly make a difference.


  1. Hummer RA, Ellison CG, Rogers RG, Moulton BE, Romero RR. Religious involvement and adult mortality in the United States: review and perspective. Southern medical journal. 2004;97:1223-1230.
  2. Chida Y, Steptoe A, Powell LH. Religiosity/Spirituality and Mortality. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 2009;78:81-90.
  3. BibleGateway. Hebrews 11: 1-3 NIV – – Bible Gateway. 11: 1-3&version=NIV. Accessed April 8, 2019.
  4. BibleGateway. John 6:27 NIV – – Bible Gateway. 6:27&version=NIV. Accessed April 8, 2019.



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